Etan Youth Forum Repairs Faulty Boreholes
…Tasks Ministry of Water Resources To Fix Other Faulty Boreholes in Ekiti LG
The Etan Youth forum a strong community development based organization Saddled with promotion of community development in Etan communities as display total community development action by repairing the faulty boleholes in the community.
The action from the youth shows full commitment in terms of community development and needs Assessment to address matter of urgency in the community.
For some times water scarcity is really a big problem in the community which affected the nooks and crannies of the community in terms of personal hygiene, health, Agriculture.
The Repair has been completed with extension to market area for easy convenience.
While the youth appeal to ministry of water Resources, Commissioner from Ekiti local government, council, law-maker to repair other faulty boreholes beyond community capacity.